Many businesses keep a petty cash fund in their office. Petty cash is a small amount of money that can be used for business operations such as going to the post office and mailing letter, the purchase of office supplies, treating the office worker to lunch, and other purchases where only a small amount of money is needed. This money can also be used to pay vendors and other suppliers. A petty cash receipt is needed to make sure all of this money is accounted for and the money is used for business purposes. A petty cash receipt template can make keeping track of this money simple and easy.

The petty cash receipt template will have all the information needed to keep track of this money and what is it being used for. The template will have the date that the money is being used and a description of what it is being used for. The amount of money is also listed. Included on this receipt is who the money is going to and what employee used the money. This receipt is then sent to management for approval and added to their records. The template will help keep track of petty cash money and make sure that nothing goes missing.